When Lightning Strikes (Alien Academy Book 1) Read online

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  “Oh, yeah? How much?”

  “Black and white movies. Lots of them, and all the ninja movies with subtitles I can find. I’m a bit obsessed and I’ve never had anyone who would watch them with me.”

  “I’d be honored, but you don’t have to do that. I’d watch them with you anyway.” I slide the book into my bag and slug it over my shoulder. Two more classes until I’m free for the day.

  “Hush, I want to help. I know how it feels to be the new kid. My parents assimilated much later than most of our class. They’ve all been together since they were born. My mom and I lived on Xebulis Five until I was three.”

  “Oh my gosh! You’ve been there? Like actually seen it?” Until Nova, I’d never made it more than two towns away. But traveling in space? To another galaxy? That’s a whole new level of cool.

  She smiles wide in an amused sort of way. I’m sure I reacted like a five year old child but I can’t help it. “I can’t recall much. I was really young and all I remember is that the trip here is fast and we’re put to sleep during it. Most of my actual memories are just what my mom and dad have told me.

  “I’m really hoping to visit there some day. It’s dangerous and there’s a lot of war and stuff, but we have that here on Earth, too. You know? I think it would be worth it.”

  “Only if you take me with you!” I say, smiling.

  “Deal. Now, here’s an excuse slip I swiped from Te’ Lara when I stopped by her office. It’s already filled out. Get back to class and meet me at your dorm when you’re done. We have things to learn and snacks to consume!”

  Rolling over in bed for the millionth time, I grit my teeth at the sound of Huey whining. Tia and I stayed up way too late last night watching Drunken Master on her iPad, and turns out she snores like a freight train. I had no problem sleeping through it, but Huey sighed and kicked like a toddler until he eventually gave up and passed out on the floor.

  Apparently he doesn’t like losing his spot to anyone else, and not being unable to perch quietly on the end of my bed like he has the past few nights is really putting a cramp in his style. Luckily for him, once Tia gets her bed in here he won’t have to worry about it.

  Tired of his antics, I lean up on an elbow to scold him but stop when his anxious eyes meet mine. He’s been a clingy mess since Ki’Lin snuck her way into my mind, and it’s like he’s been trying to make up for his not being there by following me around.

  “Come on, then,” I say, patting the bed. He hops up and burrows his scrunchy, wet face against the only corner of the bed I have left. Not only does Tia snore, she starfishes when she sleeps. I guess that’s better than trying to share the bed with a cuddler. I’d rather sleep on the floor with Huey.

  He nudges my hand, so I pull it out from under the pillow and let him connect. His tentacles vibrate, and the action warms the length of my arm. I didn’t even realize I was anxious, but the little dose of Huey calm I get when he filters off my negative emotions has me sinking under my covers and forgetting why in the heck I was agitated with him in the first place. Everyone should have a Huey.

  The loud buzzing of my alarm sends me nearly tumbling out of the bed and, rather than give in to my urge to launch it across the room, I silence it and roll back over. I don’t have anything for another two hours. Why did I set it this early again?

  Just as I get comfortable, Huey snorts and jumps off the bed, trotting slowly toward the door. Two soft knocks are all I get before a set of keys jostle and the door gives way.

  Te’Lara pokes her head in, full make-up, hair done, at seven in the morning? What kind of witchcraft is this? She mouths something like “get up” but it’s too early to adult, so I throw my covers back over my head. Her melodic giggle floats through the air as she leans over and yanks them back down. “You have to get up to meet the headmaster. Agent Lowry will be here within the hour and his team will not want to wait. We’ve already secured two classrooms in the east wing for them to set up.”

  “Just tell them to come back later,” I huff, and Tia stirs beside me.

  Te’Lara runs a hand over my blue fuzz. “It’s non-negotiable, dear. Part of your citizenship requirements. They want to know where you came from.” Tia lets out a massive snore, and Te’Lara cocks a brow. “You sure you want to share a dorm with her?”

  “Yep. I’m sure. Huey isn’t, though.”

  “The Dan-A-Tish is a finicky being. He just showed up thirteen years ago and wandered around until you woke up in that bed. It’s almost as if he was waiting for you.”

  I sit up and wipe the sleep from my eyes. Huey’s still sitting at the door. “Where did he come from?”

  Te’Lara folds back the covers, revealing my bare legs to the chill in the room, and I force myself out of bed. “We don’t really know. His connection with the rest of the Raska leads us to believe he came with the originals.”

  “Maybe that explains why he’s so moody.”

  Te’Lara laughs, and I swear Huey rolls his eyes as I pass on my way to the bathroom to change. I guess he trusts Te’Lara more than the others because he trots back to the bed and settles in my spot. Under my covers. Great.

  I follow the scent of coffee after I drag myself out into the hall and nearly hug Te’Lara when she hands me a steaming hot cup.

  “That obvious, huh?”

  “Well, you’re lovely, dear, but you look like you need it.”

  The first sip is amazing, and the second? Even better. “Okay, what’s in this? It tastes like heaven.”

  “Xebulin Vinesia. It’s similar to Earth chocolate, but better. We grow it in the greenhouse over near the gardens. It’s our little piece of home on Earth.”

  “It’s so good I could bathe in it.”

  The fine lines around her eyes crinkle in amusement. “It’s quite expensive, I don’t think that would be very practical.” My lips turn down into an exaggerated pout, and she winks. “I’m sure if it is really that important to you we could make something happen.”

  A man in a white coat opens a door at the end of the hall and holds it open for another man in full black to pass through. There’s an absurdly large red machine in his hands and my nerves flare to life. Is that something they’re going to try and use on me?

  We only make it about halfway there before Huey plops down in front of me forcing me to stop. He turns and eyes Te’Lara, then me.

  “Come on, Huey.” It sounds more like a sigh and less like the demand I had intended. At this point, I’d rather eat glass than let someone poke holes in me, even if it is for the sake of national security or whatever crap they justified it with on my citizenship paperwork.

  I try to skirt around his wide behind but he shifts over and plops down again catching the toe of my shoe. Te’Lara bows her head, then offers Huey a hand. He wraps his tentacles around her. “You can’t be serious…” she asks him, meeting his gaze. He bares his teeth, and she shakes her head. “You’ll do no such thing. You know violence is not tolerated, Huey. I’m not repeating that foolishness.” He snorts, pulling away, then starts off toward the door by himself. “Of all the ridiculous things… Huey, wait.” She shuffles over to cut him off and herds him back toward me. “He doesn’t want you going in there until you’re sure you’re ready. He wanted me to tell you…” Huey eyes her again and starts to trot back the direction he came. “Oh, fine. He wants me to relay that he can rip their throats out if you’d like. You merely need to say the word.”

  Satisfied, the massive Doberman-like alien creature turns back around and pads toward me.

  “Wow. That’s…sweet.” I lean down and pat his head. “But no throat ripping is necessary. Not yet, anyway. How come she can talk to you so easily and I can’t?”

  He cocks his head and looks to Te’Lara. “You’ll get there. Ty’Nix might be tutoring you in memory retrieval and eventually in defense, but your condensed Xebulin history professor will offer you specific lectures on syncing. It’s the way our ancestors communicated and how we communicate once we’ve le
arned how to maintain our boundaries.”

  I can’t stop the snort that escapes. Boundaries? What boundaries? If she only knew…

  Pulling up my big girl panties, I start off toward the room and make sure to keep a steady pace. By the look of determination on my not-so-little four-legged alien friend’s face, he isn’t planning on letting me go in there alone. I don’t exactly want to be responsible for him ripping out anyone’s throat.

  “Will you be there? With me?” I ask Te’Lara. She’s never openly displayed her combat skills but I have a feeling no one would do anything shady to me with her around. My first class on Xebulin physical defense skills is later today, and I swear if I make it out of this with all my body parts intact, I’m going to learn how to kick some serious butt.

  “I will. This situation has never occurred before in the history of this school, or our race even, so we are unsure what to expect. I suspect they have been waiting for an opportunity like this—a chance to justify the study of our kind—and your hidden existence is exactly what they needed. If at any time you are uncomfortable, you let me know. I’ll make them stop.” Her gaze flutters to my left. “Or, he will.”

  “Right. Okay, then. Let’s get this over with.”

  As we pass through the door, my stomach sinks. I don’t like this. The room is already full of people waiting for us, stiff and staged in their assigned places, and I can’t ignore the feeling that we’re walking into some kind of trap. Ridiculous, right?

  Te’Lara eyes the six guards standing against the wall as we enter, and Huey insists on walking ahead, staring each of them down. Dressed in head-to-toe black, you’d think they were getting ready to go into battle, not watch some stuffy guy in a lab coat take my blood.

  I mean, seriously? What are these guys expecting me to do?

  “Do not answer anything unless I tell you otherwise, understood?” Te’Lara whispers under her breath as she guides me onto the silver table they have set up. I guess they expected me to come alone because there isn’t anywhere for Te’Lara to sit.

  Huey isn’t having it. His nails scratch against the floor as he stalks over toward the nearest human, curling his lip to show his teeth until the middle-aged man gets up.

  Using his tail, Huey grabs the chair and slides it near Te’Lara who sits down like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

  “Well, now that we’re all comfortable. Let’s begin shall we? Angelica, if you would, please ask Cherise to change.” Standing in the middle like he’s the ringleader of a gang, a silver-haired guy in a cream suit jerks his head toward me.

  A girl walks over, the medical coat she’s wearing rustling with each step, and holds out a gown.

  They can’t seriously expect me to take off my clothes and put that on with all these people here, right?

  Huey growls and Te’Lara shakes her head. “No. She’ll not be wearing that.”

  With a smile full of threatening confidence, cream suit guy steps toward us. “Perhaps, you misunderstand. Let me clear things up for you a bit. I’m Gerald Seebin, agent in charge of maintaining cooperation on both sides of the Universal Treaty—”

  Huey stirs at my feet and Te’Lara lifts her chin. “Your name makes no difference. She’s not undressing.”

  The agent clears his throat. “Do I need to remind you of your kind’s obligation to meet the requirements listed in this child’s citizenship agreement?”

  A chill sweeps its way through the room, and goosebumps prickle my skin as the two of them glare at each other.

  “Do you make a habit of forcing human girls to expose their bodies to a room full of grown males, Agent Seebin? Or is it only my kind you take no pause in humiliating? Her privacy will not be violated. You may study what you can see, nothing more. “

  His cheeks redden. “That was not our agreement.”

  Poised as always, Te’Lara smooths her robes. “This conversation is over. If Cherise permits, you can draw her blood, and use any external device to measure whatever you like. But she will not be forced to expose her body to anyone. If you need to know what the anatomy of a female Xebulin looks like, there’s a Xebulin Health textbook right down the hall you may have to take with you.”

  Agent Seebin opens his mouth to respond but stops when Huey lets loose another growl. A loud clap reverberates through the tiny room, and Te’Lara stands, clapping once more for effect. “I couldn’t have said it better myself, Huetalizan. Now, let’s get on with it, Agent Seebin. Your allotted time has almost expired. Or would you rather us cancel this appointment all together?”

  The man eyes Huey, then the guards along the wall almost as if he’s considering his chances. “Very well. Angelica, please draw Cherise’s blood, while Danika and Rand perform the other studies. Everyone else, stand down. We will have to delay until next time.”

  “Wait, I have to do this again?” I ask Te’Lara, finally finding my voice. Two guys slide thick rubber gloves over my hands to protect them from me, then start looking for veins.

  “Seriously? Both arms at the same time?” I mutter as they tie on tourniquets and start slapping my arms.

  Huey walks over and snaps one of the stretchy blue bands off with his teeth. Angelica pales and backs away shaking. The urge to reassure him Huey’s harmless bubbles up but I swallow it down. Huey’s not harmless. He’s a freaking alien warrior dead set on protecting me the rest of his life.

  “Your obligation ends with today’s session,” Te’Lara says in a firm tone.

  Agent Seebin crosses his arms and leans back against the counter while the rest of his group finishes their work. “We will see about that.”

  Chapter Eight

  The tiny instruction room adjacent to the gym is cold, and Professor Te’Vrah’s rhythmic pacing is about to put me to sleep. They must have taken a gallon of blood during my designated lab rat appointment, and it’s left me feeling all kinds of crappy.

  I’ve slept the last twenty-four hours, getting very little done, and now I’m sitting here still struggling to keep my eyes open. How do people donate that much regularly and function?

  The taut muscles of his arms bulge under his robes as he gestures wildly about the importance of physical agility. How, at our core, defending our race from our natural born enemy, the Sivralians, and their relentless attempts to conquer Xebulis Five, should inspire us to be better, stronger, and more capable of inflicting large amounts of damage in the smallest number of moves necessary. Apparently, these guys inflict serious damage if they get in range, not to mention they have any number of nasty little mind tricks to incapacitate you.

  He’s gone to great lengths, even pulling up his shirt to reveal electric blue skin marred by deep gray scars he earned during his time as a Xebulani enforcer in his youth. For a class that’s focused on physical defense, there sure is a lot of talking.

  “Just wait, next he’ll amaze us with the retelling of the battle of Jurti, the bloodiest skirmish to date on the moon that borders our home planet and theirs.” I jump at the unfamiliar voice and turn to see who it belongs to. The same tatted guy Huey glared at on my first day is behind me, leaning all the way forward so he can comfortably whisper in my ear. “So’Rev,” he offers. “And you are?”


  “Cherise,” he repeats. “I like the sound of that. I’ve never seen you before.”

  “Rev, don’t pretend you haven’t already heard about her. Give our girl a little more credit than that,” Tia chimes in from the desk beside me, keeping her voice low.

  The ornate tattoos etched into his skin catch the light in the prettiest way, and it takes me a second to realize they’re raised. He catches me looking, and I can feel a slight blush creep up my cheeks. Oh, crap. Are they doing that purple thing?

  A confident smirks curls the corner of his lips. “Oh, I’ll give her all the credit she wants if she’ll let me walk her to her next class.”

  “Don’t be a pig, Rev. It’s 2020. The whole creepy flirting thing stopped being acceptabl
e years ago.”

  “You guys know I’m here, right?” I ask, earning an eye roll from Tia.

  The tip of his pen dangles from his lips as he chews on the lid. “Oh, I can’t seem to forget.”

  “Student So’Rev, can I help you with something?” Professor Te’Vrah asks, furrowing his bushy black brows. The white robes he’s wearing swirl as he turns and stalks toward our row of desks. “Stand. Now.”

  So’Rev throws up his hands. ”Fine, sheesh. So touchy today, Professor.”

  “Your constant disrespect for our cause is one thing, So’Rev. If you want to shame your family, that is your own business. But I’ll not allow you to indoctrinate the newest member of our race with your foolishness.” He points to the classroom door, “You want to laugh? Let’s see how funny you think a Galeian choke hold is.”

  So’Rev’s blue skin pales slightly. “We don’t even learn that until next year. How can you even expect me to—"

  “War does not care if you are ready. It will throw at you what it chooses. The Sivralians will not care if you are tired, weak, or helpless. They will gut you without hesitation. Or worse, put thoughts into your mind that have you screaming for the rest of your existence. Not scary enough for you? Try waking up with no recollection of who or what you are because one of them decides to remove your memories entirely. No more talking. Gym. Now.”

  He directs his intense emerald gaze at the rest of the class as So’Rev heads out the door. “Come. It is time we stopped listening and started doing.”

  The sound of shuffling feet and desk chairs sliding breaks the shock-infused silence in the room. I clutch my bag to my chest, then follow closely behind Tia as we make our way to the gym. Professor Te’Vrah holds the door open, but stops all of us from rifling in.

  Tia and I exchange an awkward glance as the rough, ex-warrior bows to Huey as he waltzes past. The stubborn Raska pauses a few inches from the doorway and turns to eye me, letting out a breathy snort. Professor Te’Vrah’s eyes widen slightly as he follows Huey’s gaze to mine.